Welcome from the Program Director

The Detroit Medical Center campus is located right in the middle of the University/Cultural area of midtown, probably one of the most vibrant and exciting areas in Detroit. This setting and our referral patterns provide an unparalled diversity of patients and GI/liver conditions. A truly devoted and energetic faculty with a wide range of interests and experience makes the learning environment an outstanding one. WSU/DMC GI fellows have the opportunity to perform numerous supervised endoscopic procedures in all 3 years of the program, with procedure complexity and fellow autonomy increasing over the term of the program. Our graduating fellows are completely prepared to enter clinical GI practice or go on to further advanced training. Exposure to and involvement in research activities along with excellent mentoring prepare those interested in pursuing an academic career.
As I mentioned earlier, the medical center area is a truly remarkable resurgent area of Detroit. New restaurants, bars, entertainment and sports venues, new and renovated housing continue to be created, built and expanded. A light rail system connecting this busy area with a Downtown also undergoing a remarkable renaissance will further contribute to making Detroit a real destination and a place you want to be.
I invite you visit us and see the great things our program and the City of Detroit have to offer you.
Kirthi Lilley, M.D.
GI Program Director